Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wanting to be useful…

The ladies at church want to teach me crochet so I can help with service projects. I joined a crochet group and today I watched a video on making a granny square. It brought back all the reasons I have never been successful at knitting and crocheting. It’s soooooo confusing! I think some folks are born with the right brains for this, but it just makes mine hurt

What am I good at? Cooking, sewing quilts, gardening…each of these are also tough for me when I am physically weak. Sigh… This week I have been feeling very alone. Very NOT useful.

I’m still not taking Motrin, but have nothing to replace it yet, I hurt soooooo bad! My rheumatologist appointment is this week, though.

I guess it’s the body stress from the two tests last week, plus the lack of Motrin are getting to me. Myasthenia is kicking my butt. My muscles don’t work so great and neither does my brain. I gave one of the closing prayers today and forgot what I was saying in the middle of the sentence I hate it when I am wimpy in public! Today most everything feels like a struggle. It was hard to see, to hear and to think the whole 3 hours of church.

The best news is that God loves me no matter how weak and ditzy I am

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