Sunday, May 30, 2010

Driving and Eating

Every Sunday I think of a million things to say about my drive to and from church. Then I mostly keep it to myself. If I go the long way, I go by lakes. If I take the shortcut, it’s through more woods, less town. The shortcut is winding and hilly and not maintained as well as the main road. Today it had tire paths that were clear and the rest of the road was icy. I came home that way anyway. There were a couple of places where people had slid off the road ;-o

I go slow on this road, looking at the houses back in the woods, reading trail head signs and admiring the Adirondack architecture and landscaping touches. One little house was surrounded by a chain link fence. I started laughing when I saw the HUGE wild turkey caught in the corner. The people had swung open their driveway gate and it made a triangle of fence in the corner. The turkey could have easily gotten out, but was hanging close to the fence line and looking panicked.

Then I saw movement in the back yard…a small back yard. There was a whole herd of deer in the chain link fence! They were milling around, eating something. They must have jumped the fence to get in. Looked like no one was home….imagine their surprise when they pull in!

A woman from church brought me a “TV dinner” made from leftovers of her Thanksgiving dinner. It was turkey, potatoes, stuffing, gravy, winter squash, cranberry sauce and another Tupperware thingy with pie, 2 cookies and a brownie. I just ate the main meal and am blissing out!! It was soooooo good to eat turkey! Mmmmmmmm…….

Now it feels more like Thanksgiving

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