Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Funny full forms


Faltoo Unidentified Linguistic Language Forecasted On Radio Mirchi


IBM : Implicitly Boring Machines

BAAN : Beggars Association and Nerds

HUGHES : Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping

AT&T : All Troubles & Terrible

INFOSYS :Inferior Offline Systems

ORACLE : On-line Romance And Chatting with Lady Employees

WIPRO : Weak Input, Poor & Rubbish Output

NIIT : Not Interested in IT

SATYAM : Sad And Tired Yelling Away Madly

PARAM : Puzzled And Ridiculous Array of Microprocessors

C-DOT : Coffee During Office Timings

TCS : Totally Confusing Solutions

CMC : Coffee, Meals and Comfort

DEC : Drifting & Exhausted Computers

BFL : Brainwash First and Let them go

TISL : Totally Inconsistent Systems Ltd.

PSI : Peculiar Symptoms of India

HCL : Hidden Costs & Losses

MASTEK: Mad And Stupid Technitians Enroute to Kabaarkhana

PATNI : Pathetic Appraisal Techniques, No Increments

BPL-Bewada Pike Ludakgaya

LLB-Laal Lugdewali Bai

MBBS-Miya Biwi Bachchon Samet

BSNL-Bahar Sadakpar Nikalkar Laga OR

Bhul Se Na Lena

MBA-Member of Bhikari Association

NRI-Non Reliable Indians OR

Na Raha Indian

DELL : Deplorable Equipment and Lack Luster

ICIM : Impossible Computers In Maintenance

HP : Hen Packed

HUGHES : Highly Useless Graduates Hired for Eating and Sleeping

CRAY : Cry Repeatedly After An Year

SUN : Surely Useless Novelties

PCL : Poor Computers Limited

TUL : Troubles Un Limited

u.s.a: under skirt area/adventure

russia: rpae until she screams in agony

africa:after fcuking rest in cool air

paris: principal allows raping in school

bombay: both of my balls are yours

china: chilli hanging in ____ arse.

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